And so it begins…

For a large part of my teenage/early adolescence and young adult-hood, I’ve dreamed of becoming an author. Whether it was for creating an entirely new world on  a stack of pages bound together by hot wax and cardboard covers, or becoming an investigative journalist and uncovering some huge scandal in the Governments of the world. Whatever it would be about, I was going to write about it and become known.

As, I’ve grown up over the years, I’ve lost that initial “i want to be famous for being famous” bug that I’m fairly certain every teenager has and have now moved on to the, “i want to be an inspirational figure to someone having a bad day, or a teenager who doesn’t know what to do in life.”  This shift in life-goals has led me to this book.

I can’t entirely tell you what it will be about, but it is going to be harsh. I will write things that your eyes have never been conditioned for you to see, things that will seem so obscure you’ll call me crazy and things that you can relate to. Whether it be your distaste for liars, how to dump someone and recover from it quickley, or how to balance a night out with friends, a large amount of tequila shots and an exam worth 45% of your grade the next morning.  Whatever I help you with, know that I’ve gone through that same situation and lived to tell the tale (and advice on how to survive it a little easier than I did).

I’m up for anyone e-mailing me with experiences they’ve had, or advice that they need. I don’t mind at all!